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How To Use Vue Watch Deep (Deep Watch Examples)

If you’ve ever wondered how to effectively monitor changes in deeply nested data structures, this is the feature you’ve been waiting for.

Vue watch deep is a fantastic feature that allows you to track changes in deeply nested data objects and arrays, providing you with precise control over your application’s reactivity.

Do you want to know more about Vue Watch Deep? Let’s start our journey to learn how to use vue watch deep!

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If you want to learn more about Learn To Use Vue Watch With Vue.js Examples

Vue Watch Deep

Vue Watch Deep is an extension of the watch option in Vue.js that enables deep watching of data objects and arrays.

What Is Vue Watch Deep?

In Vue.js, the watch option allows you to monitor changes to a specific data property or computed property and perform actions when those changes occur.

It provides a powerful way to react to changes in data and perform custom logic accordingly. 

By default, Vue’s watch function performs shallow watching, meaning it only detects changes to the immediate properties of the watched data.

However, in some cases, you may need to perform deep watching to track changes in nested data structures. This is where the concept of “Vue watch deep” comes into play.

Vue watch deep is an extension of the watch option in Vue.js that enables deep watching of data objects and arrays.

When you use watch with the deep flag set to true, Vue will recursively traverse the data structure and detect changes not only in the top-level properties but also in the nested properties or elements.

This allows you to react to changes in deeply nested data, ensuring that your application stays synchronized and updated as the data evolves.

What Does Vue Watch Do?

What Does Vue Watch Do? In general, the watch option in Vue.js provides a way to watch for changes in a specific data property or computed property and perform actions when those changes occur.

When you define a watch property in your Vue component, it can accept either a simple string representing the property name or a function that will be called when the property changes.

The watch function is commonly used to react to changes in data and perform tasks such as updating UI elements, making API calls, or triggering other reactive behavior.

By using watch, you can establish a connection between the observed property and the action you want to take when it changes.

For example, suppose you have a message property in your Vue component, and you want to display an alert whenever its value changes.

You can define a watcher for the message property like this:

Vue Watch Deep

In this example, the watch function takes an object with a property named message, which corresponds to the property you want to watch.

The value of the message property represents the new value of the watched property whenever it changes. In the watcher function, you can perform any desired action based on the new value.

Check out my article about Learn To Use Vue Watch Prop With Vuejs Watch Props Examples

How Do I Watch Nested Data In Vue?

To demonstrate how to watch nested data in Vue, let’s consider an example where you have a data object called user with nested properties, such as name, age, and address.

You want to watch changes specifically in the address property. Here’s how you can achieve that:

How Do I Watch Nested Data In Vue?

In this example, the watch object contains a property ‘user.address’, which is a string representing the nested property you want to watch.

The handler function is called whenever the address property changes, and it receives the new value of the property as an argument.

By setting deep: true, Vue will perform deep watching on the ‘user.address’ property.

This means that if any changes occur within the nested properties of user or within the address property itself, the handler function will be triggered.

Vue Watch Deep Object

Vue Watch Deep Object: When using Vue’s watch with the deep flag on an object, you can monitor changes in nested properties of the object. Let’s illustrate this with an example:

Vue Watch Deep Object

In this example, the watch object contains a property myObject, which represents the object you want to watch for changes.

The handler function is called whenever any property within myObject is modified, and it receives the new value of the object as the first argument and the old value as the second argument.

By specifying deep: true, Vue performs deep watching on the myObject property. As a result, any modifications made to nested properties within myObject will trigger the handler function.

Vue Watch Deep Array

Vue Watch Deep Array: Using Vue’s watch with the deep flag on an array allows you to detect changes within the array, including modifications to its elements. Let’s see an example:

Vue Watch Deep Array

In this example, the watch object has a property myArray, representing the array you want to watch for changes.

The handler function is called whenever any modifications occur within myArray, including changes to its elements.

The new value of the array is passed as the first argument to the handler function, and the old value is passed as the second argument.

Vue Watch Deep Oldvalue

Vue Watch Deep Oldvalue: When using Vue’s watch with the deep flag, you can access the old value of the watched property within the handler function.

This can be useful when you need to compare the previous value with the new value to perform specific actions. Here’s an example:

Vue Watch Deep Oldvalue

In this example, the watch object has a property myProperty, representing the property you want to watch.

The handler function is called whenever myProperty changes, and it receives the new value as the first argument and the old value as the second argument.

By utilizing the oldVal parameter in the handler function, you can access the previous value of the watched property.

This allows you to compare the old and new values, perform calculations, or trigger specific actions based on the changes.

Don´t forget to check out my article about Learn To Use Vue Watch Immediate With Vue Immediately Code

Vue Watch Deep Property

Vue Watch Deep Property: When using Vue’s watch with the deep flag, you can specify a particular nested property to watch within an object.

This allows you to track changes in only that specific property instead of watching the entire object. Let’s consider an example:

Vue Watch Deep Property

In this example, the watch object contains a property ‘myObject.nestedProperty’, representing the specific nested property you want to watch.

The handler function is called whenever changes occur within nestedProperty, and it receives the new value as the first argument and the old value as the second argument.

By utilizing the deep: true flag, Vue performs deep watching specifically on the ‘myObject.nestedProperty’ property.

This ensures that only modifications made to that nested property trigger the handler function, while changes in other properties within myObject do not.

Vue Watch Deep True

Vue Watch Deep True: The watch option in Vue.js provides a shorthand syntax to enable deep watching on all properties of an object by setting the value to true.

This allows you to monitor changes in all nested properties without explicitly specifying each one. Let’s see an example:

Vue Watch Deep True

In this example, the watch object has a property myObject, representing the object you want to watch. By setting deep: true, Vue performs deep watching on all properties within myObject.

Vue Watch Deep Composition API

Vue Watch Deep Composition API: The Vue Composition API, introduced in Vue 3, provides a powerful alternative to the Options API for creating and managing component logic.

When working with the Composition API, you can also utilize the watch function to perform deep watching on reactive properties.

Here’s an example of using watch with the Composition API and the deep flag:

Vue Watch Deep Composition API

In this example, we import the ref and watch functions from the Vue package. We define a myData ref that holds an object with a nestedProperty.

By passing myData to the watch function and setting { deep: true }, we enable deep watching on all properties within myData.

The watcher function is called whenever any change occurs within myData or its nested properties.

The new value of myData is passed as the first argument to the watcher function, and the old value is passed as the second argument.

Using the Composition API in Vue 3 allows you to leverage the watch function with deep watching to react to changes in reactive properties in a more declarative manner.

Vue 3 Watch Deep

Vue 3 Watch Deep Object

Vue 3 Watch Deep Object: When using the watch option with the deep modifier on an object, Vue will detect changes to any property within the object, even if the property itself is not directly assigned a new value.

Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate this:

Vue 3 Watch Deep

In the above example, we have an object myObject with several properties, including a nested address object.

We set up a deep watch on myObject using the watch function, and whenever any property within myObject changes, the callback function will be executed.

The deep watch captures changes to both the nested property ( and the entire address object.

Vue 3 Watch Deep Array

Vue 3 Watch Deep Array: Similarly, when applying the deep modifier to an array, Vue will detect changes to the array itself as well as any modifications made to its elements.

Here’s an example:

Vue 3 Watch Deep Array

In this example, we create an array myArray with nested elements. We set up a deep watch on myArray, and any modifications made to the array or its elements will trigger the watch callback.

The deep watch detects both the change to the nested element (myArray[2][0]) and the replacement of the entire nested array (myArray[2]).

Don´t forget to check out my article about Master Vue Watch Ref With Vue Refs Examples

Vue 3 Composition API Watch Deep

Vue 3 Composition API Watch Deep: In Vue 3’s Composition API, you can achieve deep watching by using the watch function provided by the @vue/composition-api package.

Here’s an example of using watch with the deep option in the Composition API:

Vue 3 Composition API Watch Deep

In this example, we create a reactive object state using the reactive function from Vue 3’s reactivity API.

We then use the watch function from the @vue/composition-api package to set up a deep watch on state.

Whenever any property within state changes, the watch callback will be triggered. In this case, modifying the name property triggers the deep watch.

Vue 3 Watch Props Deep

Vue 3 Watch Props Deep: When using watch with props, it is important to note that you should declare the props in the component’s options or explicitly define them using the defineProps function in the Composition API.

Here’s an example that demonstrates watching props deeply in Vue 3:

Vue 3 Watch Props Deep

In this example, we have a component that receives two props: name and age. We use the watch function within the component’s setup method to deep watch the props object.

Whenever any prop changes, the watch callback will be executed, allowing you to perform actions based on prop changes.

Vue 3 Watch Ref Deep

Vue 3 Watch Ref Deep: In Vue 3, you can also use the watch option with the deep modifier to watch changes to a ref value. Here’s an example:

Vue 3 Watch Ref Deep

In this example, we create a ref called myRef that holds an object. We then use the watch function to set up a deep watch on myRef.value, which represents the current value of the ref.

Modifying a property within the object triggers the deep watch.

Watch Deep Data Structures

Watch Deep Data Structures Example

Watch Deep Data Structures Example: The watch option with the deep modifier is particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures.

It allows you to monitor changes to objects and arrays, even when the changes occur at nested levels.

By using the deep modifier, you can ensure that any modifications within the data structure are captured and trigger the watch callback.

Let’s consider an example that combines both an object and an array within a reactive data structure:

Watch Deep Data Structures

In this example, we have a reactive data object that contains an array of users and a settings object.

We set up a deep watch on data using the watch function, ensuring that changes to both the array and the nested properties within the settings object are captured.

Modifying the age property of the first user triggers the deep watch, as well as changing the theme property of the settings object.

The deep watch provides a convenient way to monitor changes in complex data structures, enabling you to react to those changes in your application logic.

Vue Watch

Vue Watch: Vue.js provides a powerful feature called “watch” that allows you to reactively observe changes in data properties and trigger actions accordingly.

With the watch property, you can monitor changes in data and perform specific tasks or updates in response.

Vue Watch Immediate

Vue Watch Immediate: In Vue, the “immediate” option in the watch property is used to immediately invoke the watch handler when the component is created.

By default, when you define a watch, the handler is only triggered when the watched property changes.

However, if you want to execute the handler immediately upon component creation, you can include the “immediate” option.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of “immediate” in Vue watch:

Vue Watch

In the above code snippet, the watch is set on the “myProperty” data property.

By including the “immediate” option and setting it to true, the watch handler will be invoked immediately when the component is created.

Additionally, it will continue to be triggered whenever the “myProperty” value changes.

Don´t forget to check out my article about Master Vue Watch Store With Vuejs Watch Examples

Vue Watch Object

Vue Watch Object: The watch property in Vue is not limited to simple data properties; you can also watch complex objects and perform actions based on changes within the object’s properties.

When watching an object, you can specify which nested properties to observe.

Here’s an example of how to use Vue watch with an object:

Vue Watch Object

In the above code, the watch is set on the “myObject” data property. The handler function will be called whenever any property within “myObject” changes.

The “deep” option is set to true, enabling Vue to perform deep watching, which means it will traverse the object’s nested properties and detect changes.

Vue Watch Array Ref

Vue Watch Array Ref: Vue watch can also be used with array references.

When you want to watch changes to an array and its contents, you can use the “$watch” method along with the “immediate” and “deep” options.

Here’s an example of watching an array reference in Vue:

Vue Watch Array Ref

In the above code snippet, the watch is set on the “myArray” data property.

By including the “immediate” option with a value of true, the watch handler will be invoked immediately upon component creation.

Additionally, with the “deep” option set to true, Vue will perform deep watching, monitoring changes not only to the array reference but also to its contents.

Vue Watch Multiple

Vue Watch Multiple: Vue allows you to define multiple watchers for different data properties within a component.

This feature comes in handy when you need to track changes in multiple properties and perform different actions accordingly.

Here’s an example of using multiple watchers in Vue:

Vue Watch Multiple

In the above code, two separate watchers are defined: one for “myProperty1” and another for “myProperty2”.

Whenever either of these properties changes, the corresponding watcher’s handler function will be called, allowing you to perform specific actions based on the changes in each property.

Vue Watch Props Composition API

Vue Watch Props Composition API: In the Composition API of Vue 3, you can use the “watch” function to observe changes in component props.

The watch function allows you to define reactive effects that are triggered when the watched props change.

Here’s an example of using the watch function with props in Vue’s Composition API:

Vue Watch Props Composition API

In the above code, the “watch” function is used to observe changes in the “myProp” prop. The prop is initially assigned to a ref using the “ref” function to make it reactive.

Whenever “myProp” changes, the watch handler will be called, allowing you to respond to the changes accordingly.

By leveraging the Composition API and the watch function, you can easily monitor prop changes and take appropriate actions within your Vue components.

What Is The Difference Between Computed And Watch In Vue?

In Vue.js, both computed properties and watchers allow you to reactively observe changes in data properties. However, they serve different purposes and have distinct use cases.

Computed properties are functions that are defined within a component and return a computed value based on one or more data properties.

Computed properties are cached and only re-evaluated when their dependencies change.

They are useful when you need to perform complex calculations or transformations on your data and want to have the result available as a reactive property.

On the other hand, watchers are used to execute specific code or trigger actions when a watched property changes.

Watchers are more suitable when you need to perform asynchronous operations, side effects, or access properties outside the component.

The main differences between computed properties and watchers in Vue are as follows:


  • Computed properties: Used for performing complex calculations or transformations on data and returning a reactive value.
  • Watchers: Used for executing code or performing actions in response to changes in watched properties.


  • Computed properties: Computed properties are cached and only re-evaluated when their dependencies change. The result is stored and accessed like a regular data property.
  • Watchers: Watchers do not cache their values. The handler function is executed every time the watched property changes.


  • Computed properties: Computed properties are accessed like regular data properties within the component’s template or computed properties of other components. They are suitable for use in computed bindings or template expressions.
  • Watchers: Watchers are defined using the watch property or the watch function in the Composition API. They are more suitable for performing side effects, asynchronous operations, or accessing external APIs.

Can I Watch A Computed Property In Vue?

By design, computed properties in Vue are intended to be used as dependencies rather than being watched directly.

Computed properties are reactive, meaning they automatically update whenever their dependencies change.

However, there might be scenarios where you want to watch a computed property specifically.

In Vue 2, watching a computed property directly is not possible since computed properties do not trigger change events.

However, in Vue 3, you can use the watchEffect function to observe changes in a computed property indirectly.

Here’s an example of watching a computed property in Vue 3:

Can I Watch A Computed Property In Vue?

In the above code, the computed function is used to define the computed property myComputedProperty.

The watchEffect function is then used to observe changes in the computed property indirectly.

Whenever any of the dependencies of myComputedProperty change, the watchEffect callback will be triggered.

By utilizing the watchEffect function, you can effectively watch a computed property in Vue 3, even though it is not directly watchable.

Keep in mind that watching a computed property should be used sparingly and only when there is a specific need for it, as computed properties are designed to handle reactivity automatically.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can use Vue Watch Deep.

Understanding how you can use Vue Watch Deep is gonna help you to watch option in Vue.js that enables deep watching of data objects and arrays.