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Use Vue Conditional Class (Vue Conditionally Examples)

Vue.js offers a wide range of features that make it a developer-friendly framework, and one such feature is the ability to apply classes conditionally using Vue Conditional Class directives.

In this article, I will share my insights from working as a Vue.js software developer for over 5 years. We will walk through several practical examples that demonstrate how to use Vue Conditional Class directives effectively.

So buckle up and get ready to master Vue’s conditional classes!

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Vue Conditional Class

Vue Conditional Class refers to a feature provided by the Vue.js framework that allows you to dynamically apply CSS classes to HTML elements based on certain conditions or expressions.

What Is Vue Conditional Class?

What Is Vue Conditional Class? Vue Conditional Class refers to a feature provided by the Vue.js framework that allows you to dynamically apply CSS classes to HTML elements based on certain conditions or expressions.

This feature is particularly useful when you want to change the appearance or behavior of elements based on the state or data of your Vue component.

In Vue.js, you can use the v-bind directive along with the class attribute to apply a CSS class conditionally.

The syntax for using conditional classes in Vue.js is v-bind:class. With this directive, you can dynamically add or remove classes based on the evaluation of expressions or variables.

What Is Class Binding In Vue?

What Is Class Binding In Vue? In Vue, class binding is the mechanism used to conditionally apply CSS classes to HTML elements.

It provides a concise and intuitive syntax for dynamically adding or removing classes based on the values of data properties or expressions.

To apply a class conditionally, you can use the v-bind:class or its shorthand :class directive. The value you provide can be an object, an array, or a string.

When using an object, you can map class names to boolean expressions. If the expression evaluates to true, the corresponding class will be applied to the element. For example:

Vue Conditional Class

In this example, the active class will be applied if the isActive data property is true, and the text-danger class will be applied if the hasError data property is true.

You can also bind an array of class names, where each class will be applied if its corresponding expression evaluates to true. For instance:

What Is Class Binding In Vue? 1

Here, the activeClass and errorClass data properties define the class names to be applied conditionally.

Lastly, you can use a string expression to dynamically generate class names based on data values. For example:

What Is Class Binding In Vue? image 2

In this case, the class name will be determined by the value of the isActive data property. If it’s true, the active class will be applied; otherwise, the inactive class will be applied.

Vue Conditional Class Ternary

Vue Conditional Class Ternary: Vue allows you to use a ternary operator for applying conditional classes. It’s a concise way to express conditional logic for class binding. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class Ternary

In this example, the active class will be applied if the isActive data property is true, and the inactive class will be applied if it’s false.

Master Vue Conditional Classes with Guard Expressions and Logical Operators

 Among the numerous features that make Vue a joy to work with, conditional class binding is a particularly handy tool you should have in your front-end arsenal.

It’s straightforward, versatile, and can significantly elevate the visual appeal of your application. Let’s dive into the power of guard expressions and the logical && operator to conditionally apply classes to your elements in Vue.

Understanding Guard Expressions in Vue

At its essence, a guard expression is a logic gatekeeper that evaluates to true or false. In the realm of Vue, these expressions are used to determine whether certain attributes, like classes, should be applied to an element or not.

The use of logical operators such as && (AND) within these expressions allows you to check multiple conditions succinctly, resulting in a sleek, maintainable codebase.

Using Logical && Operator for Conditional Class Binding

Now, let’s look at real-world examples. Imagine you’re tasked with adding an ‘active’ class to a navigation menu item when it’s clicked.

Using Vue’s dynamic class binding syntax coupled with a guard expression can make this an effortless task. Here’s how:

Master Vue Conditional Classes with Guard Expressions and Logical Operators 1

In this snippet, the active class is applied to our list item only when both isActive and isNavVisible are truthy.

When using a guard expression with the && operator, all conditions must be met for the class to apply, providing a clear and concise way to manage complex class dependencies.

Tips for Effectively Using Conditional Classes

  • Keep It Readable: Always strive for expressions that are easy to read and understand. Overly complex guard expressions can lead to confusion and errors.
  • Compute When Necessary: For complex logic, consider using a computed property instead of bloated inline expressions. It will keep your templates clean and logic centralized.
  • Test Your Guards: Ensuring your guard expressions evaluate correctly in all scenarios is crucial. Automated testing can help maintain reliability and prevent regression.

Mastering Vue Conditional Class Binding with Computed Properties

Conditional class binding in Vue is a breeze with computed properties. This feature enables you to attach and toggle classes on your elements based on the state of your data.

Let’s dive into some practical examples and best practices to fully harness the potential of computed class bindings.

Practical Examples of Vue Conditional Classes

Imagine you’re crafting a to-do list, and you want completed tasks to stand out. Here’s how you might do it with Vue:

Mastering Vue Conditional Class Binding with Computed Properties 1

This snippet above dynamically binds the is-complete or is-pending class to the div depending on whether the task is marked as completed.

Using Computed Properties

Now, let’s refactor this example using a computed property, which is a more elegant and efficient way to handle class bindings:

Mastering Vue Conditional Class Binding with Computed Properties 2

The computed property taskClass dramatically simplifies the template syntax and improves reactivity by recalculating classes whenever the task’s status changes.

Best Practices for Conditional Class Binding in Vue When using conditional class binding:

  • Lean on computed properties for complex logic to keep your templates clean.
  • Group related classes under a single computed property to minimize dependencies and improve readability.
  • Use clear and descriptive names for your classes and computed properties to enhance maintainability.
  • Remember to leverage Vue’s reactive system — computed properties will automatically update DOM elements when dependent data changes.

Vue Conditional Class Binding

Vue Conditional Class Binding: Vue provides a flexible syntax for dynamically binding multiple classes based on conditions. You can use object syntax or an array to achieve this.

When using object syntax, you can conditionally apply classes based on boolean expressions. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class Binding image 1

In this case, the active class will be applied if the isActive data property is true, and the text-danger class will be applied if the hasError data property is true.

Alternatively, you can use an array to dynamically bind classes based on data values. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class Binding image 2

In this example, the classes specified in the activeClass and errorClass data properties will be applied conditionally.

Vue Conditional Class In v-for

Vue Conditional Class In v-for: Vue allows you to use conditional classes within a v-for directive, which iterates over a collection and renders elements based on the provided data.

You can conditionally apply classes to each iterated element by using the :class directive within the v-for loop. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class In v-for

In this example, the active class will be applied to each <li> element if the isActive property of the corresponding item is true.

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Vue Conditional Class if-else

Vue Conditional Class if-else: Vue allows you to use if-else statements to conditionally apply classes.

You can use the v-if and v-else directives in conjunction with the :class directive. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class if-else

In this example, if the isActive data property is true and the isDisplayed data property is also true, the element will have the active class.

Otherwise, if isDisplayed is false, the element will have the errorClass class.

Vue Conditional Class Multiple

Vue Conditional Class Multiple: Vue allows you to apply multiple classes conditionally by combining different class binding techniques.

You can use object syntax, array syntax, or a combination of both to achieve this. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class Multiple

In this example, the active class will be applied if the isActive data property is true.

The classes specified in the errorClass data property and the ‘custom-class’ string will be applied unconditionally.

Vue Conditional Class Props

Vue Conditional Class Props: In Vue, you can pass class names as props and conditionally apply them to elements.

This is useful when you want to reuse a component with different class variations. Here’s an example:

Vue Conditional Class Props

In this example, the customClass prop accepts a string value that represents a CSS class.

You can conditionally pass different class names to the component and they will be applied to the <div> element.

By utilizing the power of conditional class binding, Vue enables you to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces where CSS classes can be applied or removed based on the state of your data, resulting in a more flexible and responsive UI.

Vue Conditional Style

Vue Conditional Style Binding

Vue Conditional Style Binding: One common use case of conditional style binding is to dynamically change the style of an element based on the value of a data property.

You can achieve this by using the v-bind directive with the style attribute and specifying an object that contains the CSS properties and their values.

The properties in the object can be conditionally set based on the value of a data property.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to conditionally change the background color of a <div> based on the value of a data property called isHighlighted:

Vue Conditional Style

In the above example, the isHighlighted data property controls whether the background color should be set to ‘yellow’ or ‘transparent’.

When isHighlighted is true, the background color will be ‘yellow’; otherwise, it will be ‘transparent’.

Vue Conditional Style Class

Vue Conditional Style Class: Another approach to conditional styling in Vue is to toggle CSS classes based on certain conditions.

This can be achieved using the v-bind directive with the class attribute. You can bind an object that defines the classes and their conditions.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to conditionally apply a CSS class to an element based on the value of a data property called isActive:

Vue Conditional Style Class

In the above example, the isActive data property determines whether the class active should be applied to the <div>.

When isActive is true, the active class will be added to the element, and if it’s false, the class will be removed.

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Vue 3 Conditional Class

Vue 3 Conditional Class Example

Vue 3 Conditional Class Example: Here’s an example that demonstrates how to conditionally apply a CSS class in Vue 3 using the Composition API:

Vue 3 Conditional Class

In the above example, the isActive and isHighlighted variables are created using the ref function from the Composition API.

These variables determine whether the active and highlighted classes should be applied, respectively.

When the variables are true, their corresponding classes will be added to the <div> element.

Vue Add Class On Click

Vue Add Class On Click Example

Vue Add Class On Click Example: Sometimes you may want to add or remove a CSS class on an element based on a user interaction, such as a click event.

Vue provides a straightforward way to achieve this behavior using event handling and dynamic class binding.

To illustrate better, let’s take a look at an example that demonstrates how to add or remove a CSS class on a button element when it is clicked in Vue:

Vue Add Class On Click

In the above example, the isActive data property determines whether the active class should be applied to the button.

The toggleActive method is bound to the click event of the button, and it toggles the value of isActive whenever the button is clicked.

As a result, the class will be added or removed dynamically based on the current state of isActive.

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How Do You Dynamically Set A Class In Vue?

To dynamically set a class in Vue, you can use conditional class binding or manipulate the class directly based on certain conditions.

Conditional class binding, as shown in the previous examples, allows you to apply or remove classes based on the values of data properties or expressions.

Manipulating the class directly involves accessing the element’s classList property and using methods like add, remove, or toggle to modify the classes.

Additionally, you can also use computed properties to dynamically calculate the class names based on data properties or other factors.

Computed properties provide a way to generate class names dynamically and keep the template code cleaner and more readable.

Remember that when dynamically setting a class in Vue, it’s essential to consider reactivity and ensure that the necessary data properties are updated correctly so that the class bindings or modifications reflect the intended behavior in your application.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can use Vue Conditional Class.

Understanding how you can use Vue Conditional Class is gonna help you to dynamically apply CSS classes to HTML elements based on certain conditions or expressions.