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Learn To Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page WooCommerce

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Hey there, online store owner and fellow e-commerce aficionado! If you’ve ventured into the world of digital retail, you’re no stranger to the exciting yet challenging journey of running an eCommerce business.

You’ve meticulously curated your product offerings, designed a beautiful website, and worked tirelessly on your marketing strategies.

But here’s the rub: despite your best efforts, you’ve probably noticed that a significant number of potential customers get all the way to your shopping cart and then…poof!

They vanish into the digital abyss without completing their purchase.

It’s a common frustration for online retailers, and it’s often due to one culprit—the seemingly tedious checkout process.

In this blog, we’re here to rescue you about how to skip cart and redirect to checkout page woocommerce. Imagine a world where your customers are so thrilled with their shopping experience that they can’t wait to hit the “Buy Now” button.

We’re about to unveil the secret to streamlining your WooCommerce store’s checkout process, making it quicker, more efficient, and customer-friendly.

We’re diving into the magical realm of skipping the cart and redirecting customers directly to the Checkout page.

This nifty trick can not only encourage those hesitant shoppers to seal the deal but also save your customers valuable time, enhancing their overall satisfaction.

So, fasten your seatbelts, my friend, as we explore three fantastic ways to revolutionize your WooCommerce store’s checkout experience.

It’s time to make online shopping a breeze for your customers and see those incomplete transactions become a thing of the past. Are you ready to embark on this e-commerce adventure? Let’s go!

If you want to learn more you can read my longer article about Best WooCommerce Subscription plugins

Learn To Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page WooCommerce

Why Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page?

If you’re wondering why you should consider skipping the cart page and redirecting your customers straight to the checkout, here are some compelling reasons:

1. Streamlined Shopping Experience

Imagine walking into a physical store with an item in your hand, ready to pay, and then being directed to another room to put it in a shopping cart before you can pay.

It sounds ridiculous, right? That’s essentially what the traditional cart page does in the online shopping world.

By eliminating this extra step, you’re offering a shopping experience that’s as smooth as silk. Customers can make quick purchase decisions and proceed to checkout without any detours.

2. Reduce Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is the Achilles’ heel of e-commerce. Customers often change their minds or get distracted during the cart phase, leading to lost sales.

By bypassing the cart and taking them directly to checkout, you significantly reduce the chances of abandonment. It’s like closing the deal before any second thoughts creep in.

3. Save Customers’ Time

In today’s fast-paced digital world, time is a precious commodity. Customers appreciate when you make their lives easier by saving time during the shopping process.

By skipping the cart, you’re demonstrating your commitment to efficiency. Your customers won’t need to go back and forth between cart and checkout pages, ensuring a swift and hassle-free experience.

4. Encourage Impulse Purchases

Sometimes, customers are in a “buy now” state of mind. They’ve already made up their minds and are eager to complete the purchase.

When you redirect them directly to the checkout page, you’re capitalizing on this moment of impulse. It’s a fantastic opportunity to seize the sale while the iron is hot.

5. Improve Conversion Rates

At the end of the day, the primary goal of any online store is to convert visitors into paying customers.

A simplified and direct path to the checkout page can significantly boost your conversion rates.

When the process is easy and straightforward, customers are more likely to complete their purchases.

6. Enhanced Mobile Experience

In the age of mobile shopping, where users are often on the go, the traditional cart page can be cumbersome to navigate on small screens.

Skipping the cart and redirecting to checkout is a mobile-friendly strategy that caters to the needs of your smartphone-wielding customers, ensuring they can quickly and easily make purchases on their devices.

By skipping the cart and heading straight to the checkout page, you’re making a strategic move to optimize the customer journey and ultimately boost your bottom line.

It’s all about providing a hassle-free, efficient, and enjoyable shopping experience that keeps your customers coming back for more. Now, let’s explore how to put this plan into action.

How To Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page WooCommerce?

Now that we’ve established the reasons why you might want to skip the cart and head straight to the checkout, let’s dive into the practical steps to make it happen.

There are three methods at your disposal:

1. WooCommerce Default Settings

Yes, you can achieve this without any third-party plugins or complex coding. WooCommerce offers built-in features to streamline your checkout process. Here’s how to do it:

a) Redirect the Cart page after a successful addition:

  • Navigate to WooCommerce > Products settings.
  • Under the General section, locate the “Add to cart behavior” settings.
  • Check the first checkbox to enable redirection to the cart page after successfully adding product(s).
Learn To Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page WooCommerce 1

b) Redirecting the Cart page link to the Checkout page:

  • Click on the Advanced tab in the settings.
  • Move to the Page Setup section.
  • For the “Cart Page” setting, select the “Checkout page” option from the dropdown list. This change ensures that clicking “Add to Cart” redirects to the Checkout page rather than the Cart page.
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c) Hiding the Cart page from the Menu:

  • If your Cart page link is on the main menu of your website, you have the option to keep it or remove it.
  • To remove the cart page link from the menu, go to Appearance > Menu settings, select the Cart option under the Menu Structure section, and click “Remove.”
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d) Change the Add-to-Cart button text:

  • By default, even though the Add-to-Cart action leads to the checkout page, the button still displays “Add to Cart.” To rectify this, you need to add a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file.
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This code snippet replaces the default “Add to Cart” text with “Buy Now!” on both the shop and individual product pages.

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2. Skip The Cart And Redirect To The Checkout Page WooCommerce PHP

The second method involves using a code snippet to achieve the same result. It’s as straightforward as the first two methods:

  • Add the following code snippet to the functions.php file of your activated website theme:
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This code snippet redirects the “Add to Cart” action from the shop page and individual product page to the Checkout page.

You’ll also need to change the “Add to Cart” button text as explained in the previous method.

3. WooCommerce Skip Cart Plugin

For those who prefer the convenience of plugins and additional customization options, there’s a popular solution: WooCommerce Direct Checkout Plugin. Here’s how to set it up:

WooCommerce Skip Cart Plugin 1
  • Download and install the free WooCommerce Direct Checkout Plugin.
  • Configure the plugin settings, which include the option to customize the Add-to-Cart button text.

With this plugin, you can not only skip the cart page but also personalize your customer’s shopping experience further.

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Now that you have three different methods at your disposal, you can choose the one that best fits your needs and technical comfort level.

Whether you prefer the built-in options, code snippets, or a WordPress plugin, you’re on your way to offering your customers a more efficient and enjoyable shopping experience in your WooCommerce store.

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Advantages Of Skip Cart And Redirect To Checkout Page

Skipping the cart and sending your customers directly to the checkout page isn’t just a neat trick; it comes with several notable advantages that can greatly benefit both you as the store owner and your customers.

1. Reduced Cart Abandonment Rates

One of the most significant advantages of skipping the cart page is a substantial reduction in cart abandonment rates.

Customers often change their minds or become distracted while navigating through the cart.

By simplifying the process and bypassing the cart, you minimize the chances of shoppers abandoning their potential purchases.

2. Faster, More Efficient Checkout

Efficiency is key in the world of e-commerce. With skip-to-checkout, you’re helping customers save valuable time by eliminating an extra step in the buying process.

This streamlined approach ensures a quicker and more straightforward checkout, contributing to improved customer satisfaction.

3. Increased Conversion Rates

At the end of the day, your primary goal as an online store owner is to convert visitors into paying customers.

By making the shopping process more user-friendly and straightforward, you significantly enhance your chances of boosting conversion rates.

When the process is smooth and efficient, customers are more likely to complete their purchases.

4. Enhanced User Experience

Customer satisfaction is a top priority for any online store. Skipping the cart and going straight to checkout is a customer-centric approach.

It shows that you respect your customers’ time and are dedicated to providing a hassle-free shopping experience.

Happy customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates.

5. Optimized for Mobile Shoppers

In the age of mobile shopping, where users frequently make purchases on their smartphones, the traditional cart page can be challenging to navigate on small screens.

Skipping the cart in favor of a direct route to checkout is a mobile-friendly strategy that caters to the needs of your on-the-go customers.

It ensures they can swiftly and easily make purchases on their mobile devices.

6. Encouragement for Impulse Buying

Some customers are in a “buy now” state of mind. They’ve already made up their minds and are eager to complete the purchase.

By redirecting them directly to the checkout, you’re capitalizing on this moment of impulse. It’s a fantastic opportunity to secure the sale while the motivation is high.

7. Saves on Development Time and Costs

Implementing the skip cart and redirect to checkout feature doesn’t always require elaborate custom development.

In many cases, you can achieve it through WooCommerce settings, code snippets, or readily available plugins.

This means you can enjoy the benefits without a significant investment in development time and costs.

8. Easier for One-Product Stores

If your store primarily sells single products or services, cart pages can seem superfluous.

Redirecting customers directly to the checkout makes the shopping process more logical for such businesses, eliminating unnecessary steps.

9. Reduction in Checkout Drop-Off Points

Every step in the buying process can be seen as a potential drop-off point where customers might change their minds or encounter technical difficulties.

Skipping the cart means fewer steps and, consequently, fewer opportunities for customers to abandon their purchase.

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Redirect To The Checkout Page In WooCommerce After Adding To The Cart

You’ve decided that it’s time to streamline the shopping experience for your customers, and one effective way to do this is to skip the cart page entirely and redirect them straight to the checkout page.

This guide will walk you through how to set up this user-friendly feature, ensuring that the transition from selecting products to making a purchase is as seamless as possible.

1. Why Redirect to Checkout After Adding to Cart?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s understand why you might want to implement this feature:

  • Streamlined Shopping: Sending your customers directly to the checkout page simplifies their journey, eliminating unnecessary steps in the buying process.
  • Reduced Abandonment: The more clicks and pages a customer has to go through, the greater the chance they might abandon their cart. By taking them straight to checkout, you reduce abandonment rates.
  • Faster Conversions: With fewer obstacles in their path, customers are more likely to complete their purchases swiftly. This can boost your conversion rates.
  • Enhanced Mobile Experience: Mobile shoppers, who are becoming increasingly common, often prefer a straightforward, one-click approach. Skipping the cart accommodates mobile users’ preferences.

2. Configuring WooCommerce Settings for Direct Checkout

WooCommerce provides a built-in option to redirect customers to the checkout page right after they add a product to their cart. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to WooCommerce and select Settings.
  • Click on the Products tab.
  • In the Add to cart behavior section, check the box that says “Redirect to the cart page after successful addition.”

This simple configuration is the easiest way to achieve the desired effect.

It ensures that when a customer clicks “Add to Cart,” they are immediately directed to the checkout page to complete their purchase.

3. Using Code Snippets for Customization

If you desire more control over the process, you can use code snippets to customize the redirect after adding to the cart.

This approach allows you to fine-tune the user experience. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Navigate to Appearance and select Theme Editor.
  • On the right-hand side, find the functions.php file and click on it.
  • Add the following code snippet:
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This code snippet ensures that when a customer adds a product to the cart, they are redirected to the checkout page.

You can further customize this code to meet your specific needs, such as changing the button text or adding additional functionality.

4. Exploring WooCommerce Plugins for Advanced Customization

WooCommerce offers a variety of plugins that can help you customize the Add to Cart button’s behavior. Here are two plugins that provide enhanced customization options:

  • WC Custom Add-to-Cart Labels: This plugin allows you to customize the Add-to-Cart button text based on product types. You can set custom text for different product categories, making your store more dynamic.
  • Woo Button Text: This plugin goes a step further by enabling you to set a custom Add-to-Cart button text for single product pages and shop pages. Additionally, it offers customization options for the “Place Order” button on the checkout page and allows you to change button colors and styles.

These plugins are especially useful if you prefer a user-friendly, code-free approach to customization.

WooCommerce Skip Checkout For Free Products

To skip the checkout process for free products in WooCommerce, you can use a code snippet to automatically mark these products as “virtual” and “downloadable.”

This approach ensures that customers can proceed directly to the order completion step for free products, bypassing the regular checkout process. Here’s how to do it:

1- Open your theme’s functions.php file:

In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” and select “Theme Editor.”

2- Add the following code to the functions.php file:

WooCommerce Skip Checkout For Free Products 1

3- Save your changes.

This code will automatically remove any free products from the cart when the customer proceeds to checkout.

If the cart only contains free products, the checkout process will be skipped, and the order will be marked as completed.

Keep in mind that adding custom code to your theme’s functions.php file should be done with caution, and it’s always a good practice to create a backup of your website before making any changes.

Additionally, test the code on a staging site or in a safe environment to ensure it works as intended.

Congratulations, you’ve now unlocked the secret to skip cart and redirect to checkout page Woocommerce.

This customer-centric approach provides a myriad of benefits for both you as a store owner and your valued patrons.

By reducing cart abandonment rates, you’re keeping potential sales from slipping through the cracks.

The streamlined shopping experience not only makes customers happier but also increases the likelihood of them completing their purchases, ultimately boosting your conversion rates.

The faster, more efficient checkout you’ve implemented ensures your customers save valuable time. This is especially important in today’s fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity.

Mobile shoppers, who are becoming increasingly common, will find the direct route to checkout on their small screens a breeze.

This mobile-friendly approach enhances their user experience and can increase their loyalty to your store.

Taking advantage of the impulse to buy, you’re capturing sales at the peak of customers’ motivation, turning those hesitant clicks into actual purchases.

And if you’re a one-product store, this approach makes the shopping process more logical, eliminating unnecessary steps.

Furthermore, you’ve made the shopping experience more user-friendly by offering a seamless, efficient process, making it a win-win for both you and your customers.

This user-focused strategy sets your WooCommerce store up for success by improving customer satisfaction and optimizing the conversion funnel.

So, as you embark on this e-commerce journey, remember that the customer’s convenience and satisfaction are at the heart of your success.

By implementing these strategies, you’ve taken a significant step toward providing an exceptional shopping experience, and you’re well on your way to achieving your business goals.

Now, it’s time to apply what you’ve learned and watch your WooCommerce store flourish with happier, more satisfied customers and improved conversion rates. Happy selling! 🛒💻🎉