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How To Use Nuxt Js Gtm (Nuxtjs Google Tag Manager Example)

By using GTM alongside Nuxt.js, you can simplify the process of tracking user interactions, managing analytics scripts, and more.

In this tutorial, we’ll show you a real-world example of how to leverage Nuxt.js and GTM together effectively.

By following our step-by-step instructions, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate GTM into your Nuxt.js project and unleash the full potential of data tracking and analytics. Let’s get started!

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If you want to learn more you can read my longer article about How To Implement Nuxt Js Auth Next? Nuxtjs Examples.

Nuxt js GTM

Nuxt js GTM simplifies the implementation of tracking technologies like Google Analytics, Google Ads conversion tracking, and Facebook Pixel.

What Is The Purpose Of GTM?

What Is The Purpose Of GTM? GTM (Google Tag Manager) simplifies the implementation of tracking technologies like Google Analytics, Google Ads conversion tracking, and Facebook Pixel.

It’s designed for non-technical users, reducing the need for developers to deploy tags.

Marketers gain control over tracking and marketing initiatives, making it easy to implement or modify tags without affecting the website code.

GTM offers advanced features like triggers and variables. Triggers determine when tags should be fired, based on conditions like page loads or user actions.

Variables store dynamic values used in tags and triggers, enabling personalized and contextual tracking.

What Is @nuxtjs/gtm?

@nuxtjs/gtm is a Nuxt.js module that integrates Google Tag Manager functionality into Nuxt.js applications.

Nuxt.js is a powerful framework for creating universal Vue.js applications, and @nuxtjs/gtm serves as a convenient plugin specifically tailored for managing GTM within Nuxt.js projects.

Is @nuxtjs/gtm Safe To Use?

Yes, @nuxtjs/gtm is considered safe to use. The module itself is an official package maintained by the Nuxt.js core team, which ensures its reliability and compatibility with the Nuxt.js ecosystem.

However, it’s important to note that the safety of using GTM, including the @nuxtjs/gtm module, depends on how the tool is configured and the specific tags and scripts that are implemented.

When using GTM, it’s crucial to follow best practices and adhere to proper security measures to ensure the integrity and privacy of your website and its visitors.

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How To Add GTM To Nuxt?

How To Add GTM To Nuxt? To add GTM to your Nuxt.js application using the @nuxtjs/gtm module, follow these steps:

Install the module: In your project’s root directory, open a terminal and run the following command to install the @nuxtjs/gtm module:

Nuxt js GTM image 1

Configure the module: Open your nuxt.config.js file and add the following configuration for GTM:

Nuxt js GTM image 2

Add the GTM script to your layout: Open your default layout file (usually layouts/default.vue) and add the GTM script by including the nuxt-gtm component:

Nuxt js GTM image 3

Start your Nuxt.js application: Save the changes and start your Nuxt.js development server.

GTM should now be integrated into your application, and the tracking script will be loaded accordingly.

Nuxt 3 GTM

Nuxt 3 Google Tag Manager Example

Nuxt 3 Google Tag Manager Example: To begin, make sure you have a Nuxt 3 project set up and running. Once your project is ready, follow these steps:

Step 1: Install the necessary dependencies.

Open a terminal and navigate to your Nuxt 3 project directory. Run the following command to install the required packages:

Nuxt 3 GTM image 1

Step 2: Configure the GTM plugin.

In your Nuxt project, locate the nuxt.config.js file and open it in your preferred code editor. Add the following code snippet inside the modules section of the configuration file:

Nuxt 3 GTM image 2

Replace ‘YOUR_GTM_CONTAINER_ID’ with the actual container ID you received from Google Tag Manager. This ID should follow the format GTM-XXXXXXX.

Step 3: Add GTM to your layout or pages.

Next, you’ll need to include the GTM code in your Nuxt 3 project’s layout or pages.

Open the layout file (default.vue) or the specific page file where you want to include GTM. Insert the following code inside the <head> section:

Nuxt 3 GTM image 3

Step 4: Test the implementation

Now that you have set up GTM in your Nuxt 3 project, it’s essential to verify if everything is working correctly.

Start your project by running the development server, and open your website in a browser.

Open the browser’s developer tools and navigate to the “Network” tab.

Search for a request with the name gtm.js or gtm.js?id=GTM-XXXXXXX. If you see this request, it means GTM is successfully integrated into your project.

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Nuxt GTM Datalayer

What Is Nuxt GTM Datalayer?

What Is Nuxt GTM Datalayer? The Nuxt GTM data layer is created automatically when you integrate the @nuxtjs/gtm module into your Nuxt project.

It provides a convenient way to interact with GTM and pass data from your Vue components to the data layer.

Nuxt GTM Datalayer Example

Nuxt GTM Datalayer Example: To demonstrate the usage of the Nuxt GTM data layer, let’s consider an example where you want to track the number of clicks on a specific button and pass that information to GTM.

First, ensure you have set up GTM in your Nuxt project using the instructions provided earlier. Then, navigate to the component file where the button is located and follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the GTM data layer helper.

Inside your Vue component, import the GTM data layer helper by adding the following code at the top of your script section:

Nuxt GTM Datalayer image 1

Step 2: Implement the click tracking.

Next, add a method that will be triggered when the button is clicked. Within this method, call the gtmPush function and pass the desired data to the data layer.

In this example, we will track the click event and pass a custom event name along with the number of clicks:

Nuxt GTM Datalayer image 2

Step 3: Attach the tracking to the button.

Finally, bind the trackButtonClick method to the button’s click event. Add the following code to your button element:

Nuxt GTM Datalayer image 3

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Nuxt Google Analytics

Nuxt Add Google Analytics

Nuxt Add Google Analytics: To add Google Analytics to your Nuxt project, you can follow these steps:

Install the nuxt-google-analytics module by running the following command in your project’s directory:

Nuxt Google Analytics image 1

Once the installation is complete, open your nuxt.config.js file. If you don’t have one, create it in the root directory of your project.

In the nuxt.config.js file, add the following code snippet to the modules section:

Nuxt Google Analytics image 2

Next, configure the module by adding the googleAnalytics object to the googleAnalytics property in the nuxt.config.js file:

Nuxt Google Analytics image 3

Make sure to replace ‘UA-XXXXXXXXX-X’ with your actual Google Analytics tracking ID. You can find your tracking ID in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Save the changes and restart your Nuxt development server. Google Analytics should now be enabled in your project.

Nuxt Google Analytics GA4

Nuxt Google Analytics GA4: To use GA4 with Nuxt, you can follow a similar process as mentioned above for adding Google Analytics, but with a slight modification. 

Instead of using the nuxt-google-analytics module, you need to install and configure the @nuxtjs/ga module, which supports GA4 tracking.

Here’s an example of how to integrate GA4 with Nuxt.js:

Install the @nuxtjs/ga module by running the following command:

Nuxt Google Analytics GA4 image 1

Open your nuxt.config.js file.

Add the following code snippet to the modules section:

Nuxt Google Analytics GA4 image 2

Save the changes and restart your Nuxt development server. GA4 tracking should now be enabled in your project.

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What Is Nuxt-gtag?

What Is Nuxt-gtag? Nuxt-gtag is a Nuxt.js module that provides a streamlined way to add the Global Site Tag (gtag.js) from Google Analytics to your Nuxt project.

The Global Site Tag is a JavaScript library provided by Google Analytics that facilitates tracking and measurement of website activity.

Nuxt-gtag Example

Nuxt-gtag Example: To demonstrate how to use Nuxt-gtag, consider the following example:

Install the nuxt-gtag module by running the following command in your project’s directory:

Nuxt-gtag image 1

Open your nuxt.config.js file.

Add the following code snippet to the modules section:

Nuxt-gtag image 2

Save the changes and restart your Nuxt development server.

The Nuxt-gtag module will now automatically include the necessary script tags and initialize the Google Analytics tracking for your application.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how to use Nuxt Js Gtm.

Understanding how to use Nuxt Js Gtm is gonna help you track information of your visitors in your nuxt.js application.