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How To Use Vue 3 Print With Vue Print Examples

Ready to bring your Vue 3 applications to life on paper? Look no further!

In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll show you how to effectively use Vue 3 print, a powerful feature that allows you to generate printable documents directly from your Vue applications.

We’ll provide you with clear explanations and practical examples to ensure you’re up and running in no time. So, let’s get started and unlock the full potential of printing in Vue 3!

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Vue 3 Print

Vue 3 Print is a powerful printing solution for Vue.js applications that allows you to generate and customize print-friendly versions of your web content.

What Is Vue 3 Print?

What Is Vue 3 Print? Vue 3 Print is a powerful printing solution for Vue.js applications that allows you to generate and customize print-friendly versions of your web content.

It is a component-based approach that simplifies the process of creating printable pages or documents from Vue components.

With Vue 3 Print, you can easily define and style the content to be printed, enabling you to provide users with a visually appealing and properly formatted output.

Vue 3 Print takes advantage of the capabilities of Vue 3, the latest version of the Vue.js framework, to provide an efficient and flexible printing solution.

It leverages Vue’s reactive data model and component system to dynamically generate printable content based on the current state of your application.

Vue 3 Print Component

Vue 3 Print Component: To use Vue 3 Print, you need to create a print component that defines the content to be printed.

This component can be designed using standard Vue.js practices and can include any combination of HTML markup, Vue directives, and component logic.

Here’s an example of how a Vue 3 Print component may look:

Vue 3 Print Component

In the above example, we have a simple Vue component that displays a title, a description, and a list of items.

This component can be used both for regular display within the application and for printing purposes using Vue 3 Print.

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Vue 3 Print Page

Vue 3 Print Page: Vue 3 Print allows you to create dedicated print pages within your Vue.js application.

These print pages are separate from your regular application views and are specifically designed to provide a clean and optimized layout for printing.

To create a Vue 3 Print page, you can define a new route in your application and associate it with a dedicated print component.

This component will contain the content that should be displayed when the user initiates a print action.

Here’s an example of how a Vue 3 Print page can be set up:

Vue 3 Print Page

In the example above, we define a new route /print and associate it with the PrintPage component.

This component will serve as the dedicated print page and can be designed to display specific content or layouts optimized for printing.

Vue 3 Print HTML

Vue 3 Print HTML: Vue 3 Print provides the ability to print HTML content directly from your Vue.js application.

This means you can generate a printable version of any HTML markup or Vue component within your application without the need for complex server-side rendering or external libraries.

To print HTML content using Vue 3 Print, you can use the vue-print-nb package, which is a popular Vue.js plugin for handling printing functionality.

It simplifies the process of printing HTML content by providing a directive that can be applied to any element in your templates.

Here’s an example of how you can use Vue 3 Print to print HTML content:

Vue 3 Print HTML

In the above example, we have a Vue component that contains an element with the v-print directive applied to it.

This directive enables Vue 3 Print functionality for the element, making it printable.

When the user clicks the “Print” button, the print method is called, which triggers the printing process for the specified HTML content.

Vue 3 Print PDF

Vue 3 Print PDF: Vue 3 Print also provides the capability to generate PDF documents directly from your Vue.js application.

This feature is particularly useful when you need to generate downloadable and printable documents for users, such as invoices, reports, or certificates.

To generate PDFs using Vue 3 Print, you can utilize libraries like html2pdf.js or jspdf.

These libraries allow you to convert HTML content into PDF format and provide various customization options for layout, styling, and page settings.

Here’s an example of how you can generate a PDF using Vue 3 Print and html2pdf.js:

Vue 3 Print PDF

In the above example, we have a Vue component with a “Generate PDF” button. When the button is clicked, the generatePDF method is called.

This method uses html2pdf.js to convert the content within the specified element (with the id ‘pdf-content’) into a PDF document. The resulting PDF can be saved or downloaded by the user.

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Vue 3 Print JSON

Vue 3 Print JSON: While Vue 3 Print primarily focuses on printing HTML content and generating PDFs, it also provides the flexibility to print JSON data in a structured manner.

This can be useful when you want to present JSON data in a more readable and printable format, such as for debugging or documentation purposes.

To print JSON data using Vue 3 Print, you can utilize the JSON.stringify method to convert the JSON object into a string representation.

Then, you can apply the same printing techniques discussed earlier to display and print the JSON content as needed.

Here’s an example of how you can print JSON data using Vue 3 Print:

Vue 3 Print JSON

In the above example, we have a Vue component that displays a JSON object as a formatted string within a <pre> element.

The jsonString property is populated with the string representation of the jsonData object using JSON.stringify.

The v-print directive is applied to the <pre> element to enable printing functionality.

When the “Print” button is clicked, the content of the <pre> element is printed, displaying the JSON data in a readable format.


vue-html-to-paper npm

vue-html-to-paper npm: In Vue, vue-html-to-paper is a popular npm package that provides a simple and convenient way to print HTML content in Vue.js applications.

It allows you to generate printable documents or PDF files directly from your Vue components.

This package simplifies the process of printing and provides customizable options to tailor the print output according to your requirements.

To use vue-html-to-paper in your Vue.js project, you first need to install the package from the npm registry.

Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s directory. Then, run the following command:

This command will download and install the vue-html-to-paper package along with its dependencies into your project.

Once the installation is complete, you can import the vue-html-to-paper module into your Vue component and configure it according to your needs.

Here’s an example of how to use vue-html-to-paper in your Vue component:

In the above example, we have a Vue component with a button that triggers the print functionality.

When the button is clicked, the print method is called, which uses the htmlToPaper directive to print the content of the this.$el element.

You can customize the print options by modifying the options object.

vue-html-to-paper Example

vue-html-to-paper Example: Here’s an example of how you can use vue-html-to-paper in a real-world scenario.

Let’s say you have a Vue component that displays a user profile, and you want to provide a print button that allows users to generate a printable version of the profile:

In the above example, we have a Vue component that displays user information such as name, email, and bio.

The print method is called when the print button is clicked, and it uses the htmlToPaper directive to print the content of the component. The printed output will include the user’s profile details.

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vue-print-nb npm

vue-print-nb npm: Vue-print-nb is another npm package that offers printing capabilities for Vue.js applications.

It provides a simple way to print HTML content and allows you to customize the print output according to your requirements.

To use vue-print-nb in your Vue.js project, you can install it from the npm registry. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s directory.

Then, run the following command:

This command will download and install the vue-print-nb package along with its dependencies into your project.

Once the installation is complete, you can import the vue-print-nb module into your Vue component and configure it to enable the printing functionality.

Here’s an example of how to use vue-print-nb in your Vue component:

In the above example, we have a Vue component with a button that triggers the print functionality.

When the button is clicked, the print method is called, which uses the $print method provided by vue-print-nb to print the content of the this.$el element.

vue-print-nb Example

vue-print-nb Example: Here’s an example of how you can use vue-print-nb in a real-world scenario.

Let’s assume you have a Vue component that renders a table of data, and you want to provide a print button that allows users to print the table:

In the above example, we have a Vue component that renders a table of user data.

The print method is called when the print button is clicked, and it uses the $print method provided by vue-print-nb to print the content of the component.

The printed output will include the table of user data.

How Do I Print Data From Vue?

If you’re looking to print data from your Vue.js application, there are convenient packages available that can help you achieve this seamlessly.

Two popular options are vue-html-to-paper and vue-print-nb. These packages provide printing capabilities and can be easily integrated into your Vue project.

To get started, you’ll need to install the desired package using npm or another package manager. Once installed, you can import the package into your Vue component and configure it accordingly.

Let’s take a look at how you can print data using vue-html-to-paper. In your component, you can create a method dedicated to triggering the print functionality.

Within this method, you can specify the content that you want to print using the appropriate HTML element or component.

To initiate the printing process, you can utilize the provided printing method, such as htmlToPaper.print.

Alternatively, if you choose to use vue-print-nb, the package offers a convenient $print method.

This method can be used within your component and accepts the element or component you wish to print as an argument.

By invoking this method, you can initiate the printing process effortlessly.

By integrating either of these packages into your Vue.js application and following the provided examples and documentation, you’ll be able to easily enable the printing functionality and effectively print data from your Vue components.

Enjoy the convenience of printing data from your Vue.js application with these helpful packages!

How To Print HTML In Vue.js?

To print HTML content in a Vue.js application, you can use the vue-html-to-paper or vue-print-nb packages mentioned earlier.

These packages simplify the process of printing HTML in Vue components and provide customizable options for the print output.

By following the installation and configuration steps provided in the previous sections, you can integrate either package into your Vue.js project.

Once integrated, you can utilize the printing methods provided by the package to print the desired HTML content.

In both cases, you’ll need to create a button or trigger in your Vue component that initiates the printing process.

When the button is clicked, you can call the respective print method provided by the package and pass the HTML content to be printed as an argument.

For vue-html-to-paper, you can use the htmlToPaper.print method and provide the HTML element or component containing the content to be printed.

This method takes additional options that allow you to customize the print output, such as specifying the window specifications, adding custom stylesheets, setting a delay before printing, and more.

Similarly, with vue-print-nb, you can use the $print method and pass the element or component as an argument.

This method triggers the printing process and generates the print output based on the provided HTML content.

By leveraging the capabilities of these packages, you can easily print HTML content from your Vue.js application, whether it’s a specific component, a section of the page, or the entire page itself. 

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can use Vue 3 Print.

Understanding how you can use Vue 3 Print is gonna help you with a powerful printing solution for Vue.js applications that allows you to generate and customize print-friendly versions of your web content.