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How To Use Vue-Property-Decorator (Vue Decorators Examples)

Are you tired of writing repetitive code in your Vue components? Well, worry no more! vue-property-decorator is here to revolutionize your Vue.js development experience.

By adopting the decorator pattern, you can streamline your code, make it more readable, and increase your productivity. 

In this tutorial, we’ll embark on a hands-on journey and explore various examples of vue-property-decorator in action.

Get ready to take your Vue.js skills to the next level and unlock the true potential of decorators in your projects. Let’s dive in!

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If you want to learn more about How To Use Vue Props With Vue Prop Examples


Vue-Property-Decorator is a library that extends the capabilities of Vue.js by introducing decorators, which are a feature of TypeScript.

What Is A vue-property-decorator?

What Is A vue-property-decorator? Vue Property Decorator is a library that extends the capabilities of Vue.js by introducing decorators, which are a feature of TypeScript.

Decorators provide a convenient way to add metadata and functionality to classes and class members, such as properties and methods. 

The vue-property-decorator library simplifies the process of creating Vue.js components by allowing developers to use decorators to define properties, methods, lifecycle hooks, and other features of a component.

By using vue-property-decorator, developers can enhance their Vue.js components with features like type checking, reactivity, prop validation, and more.

It promotes a more declarative and concise coding style, making it easier to understand and maintain the codebase.

Does Vue Property Decorator Work for Vue 3?

Does Vue Property Decorator Work for Vue 3? Yes, Vue Property Decorator is compatible with Vue 3.

Although the syntax and API of Vue 3 have changed compared to Vue 2, the vue-property-decorator library has been updated to support the latest version of Vue.js.

Vue 3 introduced the Composition API, which provides a more flexible and powerful way to organize and reuse code in Vue.js components.

With the help of vue-property-decorator, developers can leverage the Composition API while still benefiting from the simplified syntax and additional features provided by decorators.

Vue-Property-Decorator Npm

Vue-Property-Decorator Npm: To use vue-property-decorator, you need to install it as a dependency in your Vue.js project.

The library is available on npm, the package manager for JavaScript.

To install vue-property-decorator using npm, open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project’s root directory. Then, run the following command:

Vue-Property-Decorator Npm

This command will download and install the vue-property-decorator package along with its dependencies, making it available for use in your project.

Vue-Property-Decorator Prop Type

Vue-Property-Decorator Prop Type: One of the powerful features provided by vue-property-decorator is the ability to define and validate props, which are the properties passed to a component from its parent component.

Props allow for communication between components and enable the passing of data and configuration.

To define a prop using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Prop decorator and specify the type of the prop. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Prop Type

In this example, the count prop is defined with the @Prop decorator, and the type is specified as Number.

The readonly modifier indicates that the prop should not be modified within the component.

By specifying the prop type, vue-property-decorator performs automatic type checking and validation, ensuring that the prop value passed from the parent component matches the expected type.

Check out my article about Implement Vue Hover With Mouseover Examples.

Vue-Property-Decorator Components

Vue-Property-Decorator Components: Vue.js allows you to organize your components in a hierarchical manner, where components can be nested inside one another.

To make this process easier and more straightforward, vue-property-decorator comes into play.

This library simplifies the task of defining and utilizing child components within a parent component.

To define a child component using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Component decorator and specify the component’s name. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Components 1

In this example, both ParentComponent and ChildComponent are defined using the @Component decorator.

The decorator allows the components to be recognized and used within other components.

To use the child component within the parent component’s template, you can simply include it as a custom HTML element.

Vue-Property-Decorator Components 2

By importing the child component and decorating it with @Component, vue-property-decorator handles the component registration and makes it available for use in the parent component’s template.

Vue-Property-Decorator Data

Vue-Property-Decorator Data: When working with Vue.js, the data property is utilized to define and initialize the data for a component.

However, vue-property-decorator offers a more convenient approach by introducing decorators to define data properties.

To define a data property using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @data decorator. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Data

In this example, the @data decorator is used to define the message property as a data property. The property is initialized with the value ‘Hello, world!’.

By using the @data decorator, vue-property-decorator automatically sets up the reactivity system for the data property.

Any changes to the data property will trigger re-rendering of the component, ensuring that the UI reflects the updated value.

Vue-Property-Decorator Mounted

Vue-Property-Decorator Mounted: The mounted lifecycle hook in Vue.js is called when the component is inserted into the DOM.

It provides an opportunity to perform initialization tasks or interact with the component’s rendered elements.

vue-property-decorator simplifies the usage of lifecycle hooks by introducing decorators for them.

To use the mounted lifecycle hook using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Mounted decorator. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Mounted

In this example, the @Mounted decorator is used to define the onMounted method as the mounted lifecycle hook.

When the component is mounted, the onMounted method will be automatically called, and it logs the message ‘Component mounted’.

Don´t forget to check out my article about Learn To Use Vue For Loop With Vue Loops Examples

Vue-Property-Decorator Get Set

Vue-Property-Decorator Get Set: Computed properties in Vue.js offer a convenient approach to generate values from existing data properties.

However, with vue-property-decorator, the potential of computed properties expands even further.

By incorporating decorators, you gain the ability to define getter and setter functions, opening up new possibilities for manipulating and accessing data within your Vue.js application.

To define a computed property getter and setter using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Getter and @Setter decorators. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Get Set

In this example, the @Getter decorator is used to define the getter function for the counter computed property, and the @Setter decorator is used to define the setter function.

The computed property is based on the private _counter data property.

Vue-Property-Decorator Ref

Vue-Property-Decorator Ref: Vue.js offers the “ref” attribute, which grants access to either a child component or an element within the component’s template.

To make working with “ref” more convenient, vue-property-decorator introduces a decorator that simplifies the process of defining ref properties.

To define a ref property using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Ref decorator. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Ref

In this example, the @Ref decorator is used to define the myElement property as a ref. The ref is associated with an HTML <div> element in the template using the ref attribute.

By using the @Ref decorator, vue-property-decorator handles the assignment of the referenced element to the property automatically.

This allows developers to easily access and manipulate the referenced element within the component’s methods.

Vue-Property-Decorator Watch Multiple

Vue-Property-Decorator Watch Multiple: In Vue.js, the watch option allows monitoring changes to a data property and executing code when the property changes.

vue-property-decorator simplifies the usage of watch by providing a decorator for defining watchers for multiple properties.

To define a watcher for multiple properties using vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Watch decorator with an object syntax. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Watch Multiple

In this example, the @Watch decorator is used to define the onNameChange method as a watcher for both the firstName and lastName properties.

Whenever either of the properties changes, the onNameChange method will be automatically called.

By using the @Watch decorator with an object syntax, vue-property-decorator allows defining multiple watchers with a concise and readable syntax.

Developers can specify the property names and the associated method to execute when the properties change.

Don´t forget to check out my article about What Is Data Vue? (Vue Data Examples)

Vue-Property-Decorator Mixins

Vue-Property-Decorator Mixins: Mixins in Vue.js serve as a means to encapsulate reusable logic and distribute it among multiple components.

With vue-property-decorator, developers can seamlessly integrate mixins into their components, making it a breeze to leverage their functionality.

To use mixins with vue-property-decorator, you can use the @Mixin decorator and provide the mixin object. Here’s an example:

Vue-Property-Decorator Mixins

In this example, a mixin object named myMixin is defined with data and methods. The mixin is then applied to the MyComponent using the @Mixin decorator.

Vue-Property-Decorator Typescript

Vue-Property-Decorator Typescript: vue-property-decorator is designed to work seamlessly with TypeScript, a typed superset of JavaScript.

TypeScript provides static type checking and improved tooling for JavaScript development, making it a popular choice for Vue.js projects.

To use vue-property-decorator with TypeScript, you need to ensure that your project is configured to support TypeScript.

This involves setting up a TypeScript configuration file (typically named tsconfig.json) in the root of your project.

Here’s an example of a basic tsconfig.json configuration:

Vue-Property-Decorator Typescript

In this example, the experimentalDecorators and emitDecoratorMetadata options are set to true to enable decorators and metadata emission, respectively.

These options are required for vue-property-decorator to work correctly.

Once your TypeScript configuration is set up, you can start using vue-property-decorator in your Vue.js components by importing the necessary decorators and using them to enhance your components with additional functionality, as shown in the previous examples.

Remember to transpile your TypeScript code into JavaScript before deploying it to a production environment to ensure browser compatibility and optimal performance.


What Is vue-class-component?

What Is vue-class-component? Vue-class-component is a third-party library that enhances Vue.js components by allowing developers to write component classes using TypeScript or ECMAScript decorators.

It brings a more object-oriented approach to building Vue components, making the code easier to organize and maintain.

With vue-class-component, you can define your components as classes instead of objects.

This allows you to leverage the benefits of class-based programming, such as inheritance, encapsulation, and easier code organization.

By using decorators, you can easily define properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks directly within the component class, making it more intuitive and readable.

Vue-Class-Component Npm

Vue-Class-Component Npm: To use vue-class-component in your project, you need to install it via npm (Node Package Manager).

Here’s an example of how you can install vue-class-component:

Vue-Class-Component Npm 1

Once installed, you can import vue-class-component in your code and start using it. Here’s an example of how you can define a component using vue-class-component:

Vue-Class-Component Npm 2

In the example above, we import the Component decorator from vue-class-component and apply it to our component class MyComponent.

This tells Vue.js to treat MyComponent as a Vue component and apply its behavior accordingly.

By using vue-class-component, you can easily define component properties, methods, and lifecycle hooks within the class.

For example, you can define a data property by simply declaring it as a class property:

Vue-Class-Component Npm 3

You can also define methods within the component class, which can be directly accessed from the component’s template or other methods:

Vue-Class-Component Npm 4

Using vue-class-component enhances the organization and maintainability of your Vue.js codebase, especially for larger projects with complex components and interdependencies.

Vue-Class-Component Emit

Vue-Class-Component Emit: Within the Vue.js framework, components frequently require intercommunication by exchanging data or triggering events.

With the emit function offered by vue-class-component, you gain the ability to emit personalized events from your components while simultaneously transmitting accompanying data.

Here’s an example of how you can emit an event using vue-class-component:

Vue-Class-Component Emit 1

In the example above, we define a method called buttonClicked and annotate it with the @Emit() decorator.

This tells vue-class-component to emit an event with the method name as the event name. The method can take parameters, which will be passed as arguments to the event handlers.

Inside the handleClick method, we call this.buttonClicked(‘Button clicked!’), which emits the event named buttonClicked and passes the message ‘Button clicked!’ as the event argument.

To listen to the emitted event, you can use the v-on directive (or its shorthand @) in the parent component’s template:

Vue-Class-Component Emit 2

In the parent component, we listen to the buttonClicked event emitted by the ChildComponent and associate it with the handleButtonClicked method.

When the event is emitted, the method will be called, and the event argument will be passed as the parameter.

Using vue-class-component’s @Emit() decorator simplifies the process of emitting custom events from your components and promotes a more organized and readable code structure.

Vue-Class-Component Options

Vue-Class-Component Options: vue-class-component provides various options that can be used to configure and customize the behavior of your components.

These options can be defined using the @Component decorator and applied to the component class.

Here’s an example of how you can use the options provided by vue-class-component.

Vue-Class-Component Options

In the example above, we define a component class MyComponent and apply the @Component decorator with various options:

props define the props that the component can accept. In this case, we define a prop called count with a type of Number and a default value of 0.

watch allows you to watch for changes in component data and perform actions when they occur. Here, we watch the count prop and log a message whenever it changes.

computed defines computed properties that are derived from component data.

In this example, we define a computed property called doubleCount that returns the double of the count prop value.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can use Vue-Property-Decorator.

Understanding how you can use Vue-Property-Decorator is gonna help you with extending the capabilities of Vue.js by introducing decorators, which are a feature of TypeScript.