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Learn To Use Vue Slots With Vue Slots Examples

Unlock the full potential of Vue.js with the magic of Vue Slots! If you’re looking to take your Vue development skills to the next level, understanding slots is a must.

Vue Slots allow you to create dynamic and reusable components that can adapt to different content scenarios. 

This tutorial is your ticket to mastering Vue slots, as we walk you through practical examples that showcase their flexibility and usefulness.

Get ready to enhance your Vue.js projects and deliver exceptional user experiences with the power of Vue Slots!

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Vue Slots

Vue Slots are a powerful feature that allows you to create reusable components with flexible content insertion points.

What Are Slots In Vue?

What Are Slots In Vue? Slots in Vue are a powerful feature that allows you to create reusable components with flexible content insertion points.

They enable you to pass content from the parent component to the child component, providing a way to customize and extend the functionality of your Vue application.

In Vue, a slot is a placeholder inside a component template that can be filled with content when the component is used.

It acts as a gateway for the parent component to inject its own content into the child component.

This dynamic content injection is what makes slots so versatile and valuable in Vue development.

Vue Slot Named

Vue Slot Named: In Vue, named slots provide a way to have multiple slots within a component and assign specific names to each slot.

This feature is particularly useful when you want to pass different content to different slots within the same component.

To define a named slot in Vue, you use the <slot> element along with the name attribute.

This allows you to designate a specific name for the slot, indicating the type or purpose of the content it expects.

By utilizing named slots, you can provide more precise instructions to the parent component regarding where and how to insert the desired content.

To define a named slot in Vue, you can use the <slot> element with the name attribute. For example:

Vue Slots 1
Vue Slots 2

In the example above, the parent component uses the <child-component> and provides content for the named slots header and footer.

The child component defines these slots using the <slot> element with the corresponding name attribute.

The default slot (without a name) is also available for any content that doesn’t match a named slot.

Vue Slot Props

Vue Slot Props: Slot props allow for enhanced communication between the parent and child components through slots.

They enable the passing of data, values, or even functions from the parent component to the content inserted into the slot.

This feature enhances the flexibility and interactivity of Vue components.

When using slot props, you can bind values or expressions to the slots using the v-bind directive.

By binding data to slot props, you can provide dynamic content to the child component based on the state or properties of the parent component.

To pass data to a slot, you can bind values to slot props using the v-bind directive. Here’s an example:

Vue Slot Props 1
Vue Slot Props 2

In this example, the parent component provides content to the child component’s default slot. It passes two slot props: message and handleClick.

The child component receives these slot props and utilizes them in the content rendered within the slot.

The slot props are accessed in the child component’s template using the slotProps object.

In the example, slotProps.message displays the value of the message, which is “Hello from the parent component”.

The handleClick function is invoked when the button is clicked within the slot content.

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Vue Slot Element

Vue Slot Element: The slot element allows you to pass entire HTML elements or even other components as content to a slot.

This powerful feature enables you to insert complex content structures or nested components dynamically into specific areas of your component’s template.

When defining a slot, you can use the <slot> element within the template of the receiving component.

The content that you provide when using the component will then replace the <slot> element in the rendered output.

Here’s a more detailed example to illustrate the usage of the slot element:

Vue Slot Element 1
Vue Slot Element 2

In this example, the parent component includes a <button> element within the default slot of the child component.

When the child component is rendered, the <slot></slot> element acts as a placeholder, and the content provided by the parent component (the button) replaces it.

This results in the rendered output containing the button element.

Vue Slot Template

Vue Slot Template: Slot templates provide a powerful way to define the structure and layout of content that will be inserted into a slot.

Using a template for a slot allows you to provide more complex content or multiple elements within the slot, giving you fine-grained control over the appearance and composition of the inserted content.

When defining a slot template, you use the <template> element to encapsulate the desired content.

Inside the template, you can include any number of HTML elements, apply CSS classes, use directives, or even include other components.

This gives you the flexibility to construct rich and dynamic content for the slot.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of a slot template:

Vue Slot Template 1
Vue Slot Template 2

In this example, the parent component provides a slot template within the default slot of the child component. The slot template is defined using the <template> element.

Within the template, we have an <h2> element representing the slot title and a <p> element representing the content.

The child component, in turn, renders the entire slot template by using the <slot></slot> element.

This means that when the parent component uses the child component and provides content for the default slot, the content will be rendered exactly as defined within the slot template.

Vue Slot Pass Data

Vue Slot Pass Data: When you want to pass data to a slot, you can do so by using slot props.

Slot props act as a communication channel between the parent component and the content of the slot, enabling data to flow from the parent to the child component.

To pass data to a slot, you first need to define the slot props in the child component.

This is done by specifying the props you want to pass within the opening tag of the <slot> element. For example:

Vue Slot Pass Data 1

In this example, the child component has a data property called message, which holds the value “Hello from the child component”.

The :message=”message” syntax binds the message data property to the message slot prop.

Now, in the parent component, when you want to pass data to the slot, you can access the slot props using the v-slot directive.

By specifying v-slot:default=”slotProps”, you can access the slot props within the template associated with that slot. For example:

Vue Slot Pass Data 2

In this example, the parent component uses the <child-component> and defines a slot with v-slot:default.

The slotProps object captures the slot props defined in the child component, allowing access to the message prop.

The content of the slot, represented by <p>{{ slotProps.message }}</p>, will render the value of the message prop passed from the child component.

When the parent component is rendered, the child component’s slot will display the value of the message provided by the parent.

In this way, data is passed from the parent component to the slot content, enabling dynamic and customizable rendering based on the needs of the parent component.

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Vue Slot With Class

Vue Slot With Class: When using slots in Vue, you can apply CSS classes to the content inserted into the slot, allowing you to customize the styling of that content.

This gives you the flexibility to control the appearance of the slot’s content based on your specific requirements.

Here’s an example that demonstrates applying a class to a slot:

Vue Slot With Class 1
Vue Slot With Class 2

The parent component supplies a <p> element with the class slot-content as the content of the default slot in the child component.

The child component itself simply renders the slot’s content within a <div> element.

To apply specific styles to the content of the slot, we use CSS. In the child component’s <style> section, we define the .slot-content class and specify that the text color should be blue.

This styling rule will be applied to any content that is inserted into the default slot and has the slot-content class.

For example, if you have multiple instances of the parent component and each provides different content for the default slot, all of them will have the blue text color applied because they share the same class.

By leveraging the ability to add classes to slots, you can easily customize the appearance of the content within the slot and achieve consistent styling across different instances of the same component or in different components that use the slot.

Vue Slot Parameters

Vue Slot Parameters: In Vue, slot parameters allow you to pass additional information or configurations to the content inserted into a slot.

This feature enables you to customize the behavior or appearance of the slot’s content based on the values passed as parameters.

To use slot parameters, you can bind values to the slot props in the parent component’s template using the v-bind directive.

The child component then receives these values as props and can access them within the slot’s content.

Here’s a more detailed example that demonstrates the usage of slot parameters:

Vue Slot Parameters 1
Vue Slot Parameters 2

In this example, the parent component provides a slot parameter named parameter with the value 42.

It also binds the onClick event handler to the slot parameter. The child component receives these parameters as slot props and can access them within the slot’s content.

Within the slot’s content, you can use slotProps.parameter to access the value of the parameter and slotProps.onClick to call the bound event handler.

By passing slot parameters, you can make your slots more dynamic and adaptable.

For example, you could pass different values to the parameter based on certain conditions in the parent component.

This allows you to customize the rendering or behavior of the slot’s content based on the specific parameters received.

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Vue Multiple Slots

Vue Multiple Slots In Component

Vue Multiple Slots In Component: Let’s take a look at an example of how multiple slots can be used in a Vue component.

Suppose we have a Card component that represents a generic card with a title, body, and footer. We want to be able to customize the content of each section.

Vue Multiple Slots 1

In this example, we have three named slots: title, body, and footer.

The content within the <slot> tags represents the default content that will be used if no content is provided from the parent component.

To use the Card component with multiple slots, we can pass custom content to each slot using the v-slot directive in the parent component:

Vue Multiple Slots 2

In this example, we provide custom content for each slot by using the v-slot directive with the corresponding slot name.

The content defined within the <template> tags will replace the default content specified in the Card component.

Vue Multiple Slots With Same Name

Vue Multiple Slots With Same Name: Sometimes, you may need to use multiple slots with the same name in a component.

This can be useful when you want to dynamically add content to different sections of a component based on certain conditions.

Let’s consider an example where we have a Tab component that represents a tabbed interface with multiple tabs.

Each tab should have a title and content. We can achieve this using multiple slots with the same name:

Vue Multiple Slots With Same Name 1

In this example, we have two slots with the name “tab”. The first slot is used for rendering the tab titles, while the second slot is used for rendering the tab contents.

By using the same slot name, we can easily associate each title with its corresponding content.

To use the Tab component with multiple slots of the same name, we can provide the content for each slot in the parent component:

Vue Multiple Slots With Same Name 2
Vue Multiple Slots With Same Name 3

In this example, we provide the tab titles within the first <template> tag associated with the “tab” slot, and the tab contents within the second <template> tag, which corresponds to the default slot.

The Vue compiler will match the slots based on their names and render the content accordingly.

Vue v-slot

Vue v-slot Shorthand

Vue v-slot Shorthand: The v-slot directive in Vue.js provides a way to define slots in templates.

It allows you to specify how the content will be distributed to slots in a more concise and flexible manner.

The v-slot directive can be used in various ways, including shorthand syntax, TypeScript support, activators, and dynamic slot names.

The v-slot directive provides a shorthand syntax that simplifies the declaration of slots in Vue.js templates.

Instead of using the v-slot directive on a <template> tag, you can directly apply it to an element representing the slot.

Consider the following example:

Vue v-slot 1

In this example, we have a my-component with two slots: default and footer.

Instead of using the <template> tag, we can use the shorthand syntax to directly apply the v-slot directive to the <h1> and <p> elements.

Vue v-slot 2

By prefixing the slot name with a hash symbol (#), we can achieve the same result using the shorthand syntax.

This shorthand syntax provides a cleaner and more concise way to define slots in Vue templates.

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Vue v-slot TypeScript

Vue v-slot TypeScript: Vue.js provides TypeScript support for the v-slot directive. This means you can use type annotations to specify the props and events of the slot scope.

TypeScript support enhances the development experience by providing type checking and auto-completion for slot props and events.

Here’s an example of using TypeScript with v-slot:

Vue v-slot TypeScript 1

In this example, the item slot has a prop called title. To add TypeScript support, you can define the slot props type in the component’s TypeScript declaration:

Vue v-slot TypeScript 2

By defining the ItemSlotProps interface, TypeScript will provide type checking and autocompletion for the title prop within the slot template.

Vue v-slot Activator

Vue v-slot Activator: The v-slot directive in Vue.js supports an activator syntax, which allows you to activate slots dynamically based on certain conditions.

The activator syntax enables you to switch between different slot templates based on the value of a variable or expression.

Consider the following example:

Vue v-slot Activator

In this example, the slot name and content are determined by the slotName and slotContent variables, respectively.

By enclosing the slot name in square brackets ([]), we can use an expression to dynamically activate the slot.

For instance, if slotName is equal to “header”, the slot with the name “header” will be activated, and the slotContent will be rendered within it.

Vue v-slot Dynamic Name

Vue v-slot Dynamic Name: The v-slot directive also allows you to use a dynamic slot name, which means the slot name can be determined at runtime.

This dynamic slot name feature is useful when you need to generate slots dynamically based on data or conditions.

Consider the following example:

Vue v-slot Dynamic Name

In this example, we use the v-for directive to iterate over an array of items. Each item in the array has properties slotName and slotContent.

By using the dynamic slot name syntax with v-slot:[item.slotName], we can generate slots dynamically based on the slotName property of each item.

During the iteration, if an item has slotName equal to “header”, a slot named “header” will be created, and the slotContent will be rendered within it.

This allows you to dynamically generate and distribute content to slots based on the data you have.

What Is The Difference Between Scoped Slots And Slots In Vue?

The main difference between scoped slots and slots lies in how the content is passed from the parent component to the child component.

Slots are used when you want to pass static content from the parent component to the child component.

The parent component can define the content within the component’s template and provide it to the child component using the <slot> element.

The child component can then render this content wherever the <slot> element is placed.

Scoped slots, on the other hand, are used when you want to pass dynamic content from the parent component to the child component.

Scoped slots allow the parent component to pass data to the child component, which can then use that data to generate content. 

The child component defines the structure of the content using the <template> tag with the v-slot directive.

The parent component can provide the data and specify how the data should be rendered within the child component.

What Are The Different Types Of Slots In Vue js?

There are several types of slots available, each serving a specific purpose and allowing you to customize the content of a component in different ways.

Let’s explore each type of slot in more detail:

Default Slots:

Default slots, also known as unnamed slots, are the simplest type of slots. They allow you to pass content from the parent component to the child component without specifying a slot name.

In the child component, the content provided by the parent is rendered using the <slot> element.

This content will be rendered in the place where the <slot> element is located within the child component.

Named Slots:

Named slots, as the name suggests, are slots that have specific names. They provide a way to pass content to different named slots within the child component.

By using the v-slot directive with the desired slot name, you can provide content for that specific slot from the parent component.

In the child component, you can render the content of the named slots using <slot> elements with the corresponding names.

Named slots are useful when you have a component with multiple sections or areas that need to be customized separately.

For example, a modal component may have named slots for the header, body, and footer sections, allowing the parent component to provide custom content for each of these sections.

Scoped Slots:

Scoped slots, also referred to as renderless components, provide a way to pass data from the parent component to the child component and use that data to generate dynamic content.

The child component defines the structure of the content using the <template> tag with the v-slot directive.

In the parent component, you can pass data to the scoped slot by binding it to a prop specified in the child component’s v-slot directive.

The child component then receives this data as a parameter in its slot template and can use it to generate the desired content.

This allows for highly flexible and dynamic content rendering based on the provided data.

Scoped slots are particularly useful when you need to customize the rendering of content based on specific conditions or when you want to provide more complex functionality within a slot.

Dynamic Slots:

Dynamic slots provide the ability to dynamically determine the slot name or slot content at runtime.

This gives you the flexibility to generate and distribute content based on changing conditions or data.

You can use JavaScript expressions or variables to determine the slot name or slot content dynamically.

By using the v-slot directive with square brackets ([]), you can provide an expression that evaluates to the desired slot name.

This allows you to switch between different slots or generate slots dynamically based on the provided data or user interactions.

Dynamic slots are helpful when you need to dynamically adjust the content or behavior of a component based on runtime conditions or when you want to provide more flexibility in how the content is distributed.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of how you can use Vue Slots.

Understanding how you can use Vue Slots is gonna help you to create reusable components with flexible content insertion points.